Friday, May 22, 2015

Double two: a late-night bubble.

Why do I reach for the stars, when I don't have wings to carry me that far?

Because I foolishly hope that things would be different; a person, a group of companions, the people, the place, the circumstances, the expectations. Everything imaginable.

I lived in my own fairy-tale life, so it seemed. And somehow, I believed everything would be as I hoped. Then I realized, everything is far from what I dreamt it would be. I want to resent them so bad, but it made me what I am today.

How could I?

As another number have been added to my age, I grew more wary than a normal person would; more cautious, more cynical, extremely more sarcastic even. But honestly? I'm glad. The shooting-dagger looks are still reserved for those asshole-y sons of bitches, but hey. When life gives you lemon, you make a jug of sweet and refreshing lemonade out of it.

The bullshit, disappointments, heartbreaks I received from life? Hell, I've learnt to embrace them. Maybe reluctantly at first, then hesitantly. Damn, those made me stronger. Truthfully, I don't give a damn if you wanna throw some witty insults at me, trying to tear me down. It has come to the point where the insults had been too often that I became immune to them.

I'm glad I met those bullshitty people, encountered bullshitty situations. Alhamdulillah, after twenty-two years, I realized that there's a ringing truth behind every "there's a reason for everything".



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