It was known to everybody that I'm a hopeless romantic. It's not a proud feat, y'know, the infamous ability to love unconditionally, focusing on the good thing no matter how bad things get, being the one to always give in, remembers stuff. You know, hopeless stuff. If there's a faction or houses I could relate to, I'd totally identify it but nah. I'm still the Hufflepuff/Candor person.
But it had been three days since my last contact with anybody and what I discovered was, simply put, empowering. I chose to face it alone and albeit it was a journey filled with crap, it was also a great one. This is the week (at least so far) that my attendance to classes was the most disappointing, and in addition, the Analytical Chemistry lab didn't keep my hands or my head busy so it was quite disappointing. But it hasn't end yet. I still have two days to make it through and I'm going home again.
I know, home again. I don't think I'm ready to go to the family day for the organization that I was recently accepted into, seeing that he's one of the project leaders and the fact that he's the one that secured me the place by reminding them that I'll still be in campus for the next semester. I'm sure he's gonna be there, if not the futsal matches, for the family day. The possible sight of him cozy up with another girl is not something that I want to be looking at. Well, a newly single, eligible, hot, popular, smart guy. I'm sure, girls are starting to line up or better, somebody caught his eye already. Like duh. Siapa taknak?
I do feel empowered and wanted to be as strong, but I'm still curing myself and working my way up.
It was a bit embarrassing that I have to include my parents in this matter. I mean, if I were a mother, I don't want my kid to cry and tell me her misadventures and everything. But my mum and dad, they were cool about it. I did some wrongs like my gullible nature, my hot- and strong-headedness, admitted to it even and it's great that they didn't reprimand me or shout at me or worse, use their disappointed tone on me. They asked me to be strong, learn from all of the mistakes and build myself up again.
An advice so short, but so meaningful. My old folks, everybody. Maybe not that old, hahah.
Today, everything seemed so final. But I get a plus side tho, I just won a pair (I think) of tix to the first ever Formula E in Putrajaya this weekend! Woohoo! It was supposed to be a present for my parents, but seeing that all three of us that's still in Malaysia is coming home, I think we gotta whip something up.
Kalau tak pun, paksa diorang gi dating. And I could treat my brother and my sister to watch Mockingjay Pt. 1? Muahahah.
So, in short, it's cool. I'm not saying that I'm fine because honestly, I'm not. But yeah. With everything seemed so final and I got my family behind my back, it should be better that I build myself up once again. I still couldn't bring myself to delete anything yet, and how his belongings and gifts and tendencies and hobbies and choices and everything integrated themselves in my life so effortlessly, but hey. I should be learning from it, not throwing all of them away. At least, not just yet.
And even though the ending wasn't as pretty, but for sure, the journey was as beautiful and colorful as I could ever wish for.
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