Sunday, January 19, 2014

10 day letter challenge: Day 0

A big wave and congratulations for my #ChemeClan mak, mrnzmi (for making my blog less enigmatic, and this is where I give you the deadly Yaya-glare) and my babe ameeranadya for finding my blog here! I'll keep my promise to be more active here, despite this is my first post after the holiday started almost a week ago.

Random intro, but the acknowledgement was in order. And welcome, whoever you are who might stumbled upon this shabby blog accidentally or intentionally. Welcome, welcome, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Hashtag EH.

It's the second four-months break and this blog is nearing its first anniversary. Wehaay, who knew this blog is still functioning and still being written on after all those two hectic semesters eh? It's not a big surprise I write more on my personal tumblr since I started this blog but I promised myself two or three weeks ago that I will write more here and leave my tumblr to let it rest for a while.

I do have a to-do list this holidays, which includes iPhoneography-and-Instagramming, blog-updating, baking and building my cooking skills. With God's willing, I will complete all of them by the time the next semester starts.

To ensure I keep updating my blog, I browsed my tumblr's dashboard and found this daily challenge thing from To think that I'm not a person who can think of and write about something new and different every single day, so I think that the challenges from the tumblr might help me to vary my writing idea.

Not that I'm writing anything informative here, but whatevers yeah? :3

So I choose this "10 day letter challenge" where I have to write different letters to different recipients as follows:
day 1. write a letter to your past self.
day 2. write a letter to your your future self
day 3. write a letter to your parents
day 4. write a letter to your siblings
day 5. write a letter to your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
day 6. write a letter to your best friend
day 7. write a letter to a stranger
day 8. write a letter to someone you’ve been thinking about lately
day 9. write a letter to someone that changed your life
day 10. write a letter to yourself

Let's get going! :)


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