Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lingers on.

I was in my room, chilling as always, when I heard a familiar composition from the TV downstairs. I knew right away what movie that song was from and I kinda know which scene it was, because that particular song was used quite some times in that film.

So I went downstairs. Well, not really downstairs. I sat on the stair. And watched the movie.

I freakin' watched it, even though it was nearing the end. Like, another twenty, thirty minutes or so until the credits rolled.

It was called The Untouchables. An awesome movie, produced during the late eighties about the infamous Al Capone. Don't look look at me that way, I know it is an old movie. And what, Al Capone era was during the 1940s and 1950, if I'm not mistaken. Blame my parents fer introducing us to this movie.

And Top Gun, starring a very young and ridiculously good looking Tom Cruise.

And the original Footloose? One young Kevin Bacon dancing. Hell-o?

And Ghost.

And okay I'm gonna stop there. And being me, there's a lot more 'old' movies I have not watch yet. The Bartender, Notting Hill, Flashdance, When Harry Met Sally and yes. That last one? You don't simply watch Glee and not remembering the reference made by one sassy Kurt Hummel yo. That's how I became so interested and ended up watching The Notebook, no joke.

Anyhoo, back to my point. I'm that one person who usually watched the movies ONLY. I don't really care about the soundtrack, or the songs used. Or the instrumental pieces composed for the movies. But just now, I realized, how the The Untouchables' scores were haunting, luxuriously evil, sorrowful, nostalgic and heart-wrenching all at the same time. The one that I overheard,it just works, y'know, for the scene where Malone was ambushed by Nitty. With a freakin Tommy gun, for God's sake! And after all those horrible deaths, a triumphant win and painful letting-go process, the movie ended with a light and there's-always-hope note.

Fuck. Since when I am becoming so, what, emotional?

Dammit. And how I appreciate the movies Ibu and Ayah managed to persuade us to watch. They have the awesomest storyline, and awesomest songs. Footloose? Yeah, Holding Out For A Hero, and the song Footloose itself is incredible. When I was a kid, I printed out Footloose's lyrics and sang along. Or worse, tried to sing without any music. And try and watch Top Gun without humming the tunes of Danger Zone or Take My Breath Away. And please, for the love for my kitty, I'm not gonna rant about how fabulous the Harry Potter scores are.


And is the BEST downloading site I've ever found. Search for anything and it'll come out. This was where I got my 1.25GB of Harry Potter full original soundtrack for all seven movies.

Well, that's it. I am declaring that today is an OST theme day!

See you soon, I'm gonna drown myself in all of the soundtrack goodness I have here.


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