Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It's only Wednesday.

And my week kicked off with some notable sorrow notes.

Made me think; for a sec, whenever I think I've found pure happiness, those dark, thunderous clouds will come rolling, fast and without any warning.

I'm just starting to recover from the last week's emotional turmoil. And this week, even it had only been two days, proved that I'm in for some serious shit and wreck these coming days.

Please. I need you to help me get through this.

But no. I can see I'm not getting any. But please, save those pointless argument when my headache lessen. Or when I'm not feeling like I'm going to throw up. Or when I don't feel any pain when I lie on my back. Or when I don't see blurred edges. Or when I'm generally okay.

Or it's just one of those "Bad luck, Yaya. You're a fuckin helpless human. Stop whining and stop being a selfish bitch for once and think about the others too" moment?

The latter seems more logical. Har har.

Bad luck.


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