Monday, March 30, 2015


It has come to my attention that little acts of carelessness, or even sheer stupidity, have become the signs that will (inevitably) be interpreted as the signs that you will enter a new, beautiful, rainbows-and-sunshine marriage life. Which I have found to be so absurdly ridiculous. Pathetic even.

People can claim that they are merely joking, but to be honest? The matter of "joking" has become too frequent that I have given up that particular subject as a joke. It's annoying really.

And before continuing further, I need to clarify some things. Such as, how people had been viewing me as a bitter person, resulted from a pretty nasty parting and the fact that I have made public that I no longer believed that marriage life is for me. I am no more that person and I am trying to renew my faith in marriage and soul mates, y'know, those things, since I have let myself fall and just go with the flow with a person with the Y-chromosome that I shall not disclose the particulars of the person since I trying to have a non-social-media-flaunting relationship this time 'round. Maybe a snippet here, a screenshot there. But if you can guess, that is up to you and your assumptions :)

So you can save the "dah takde pakwe, diam je la" or "mulut kata happy, dalam hati dengki la tu" bullcrap for someone else.

Well, let me tell you something. Two years of relationship with a person, I have done and reached so many milestones in my life. Heck, I reached some of those milestones without the help from him. Like, cooking. I have spent at least three months cooking complete meal for my family. Or baking, where I have did that since I was in high school. Manually, I might add. And with the help from Ayah when we have reached the adding-the-flour step because well, you know why.

And I have never think of it as "oooo I can bake now when can i get married?"

Two years of relationship. Met his mum, "uuuuuu KAWEN", went to his house to pick him up and had a drink with mama, "uuuuu KAWEN", when he picked me up for a date and basically drove and explored his home area "uuuuu KAWEN", planned so many things here and there, even the illogical ones, "uuuu KAWEN", learnt to cook variety of things "uuuuu KAWEN".

Haha okay that last one may be true, but I didn't pathetically flaunt in social medias and whatnot while pathetically state that I wanna get married so bleeding early; it was more like a private conversation with the person himself. Can't those matters be something you talk in private? Or if you're really all about "HEY WORLDDD LOOK AT ME", shouldn't that be not as annoyingly frequent as you are doing?

It's hard to write about this and not sounding like I'm so effing envious. Believe me, I am not even remotely jealous of you people. Besides, I am talking from my two+ years of experience of being so utterly in love and happy and swoon-y. So you people would know, I'm talking from a very happy place. But damn. You're posting the same thing, the same phrase over and over again. And worse? I'm starting the read those sentences with this whiny, sort-of begging note. Which is crossing the pathetic-disgusting border. Yelah, dah macam merengek bagai. Ya get me?

I, once upon a a time, flaunted my relationship too. But not the pathetic whiny "nak kawen cepaaat" part, or the merengek part. Geli pulak bila bayangkan I buat macam tu *hysterical laugh*

On the other hand, two milestone reached; 1) drove up to Cameron Highlands, (and subsequently), the narrow winding road up to Sungei Palas BOH Tea Plantation, and 2) shot, photographically, one of the craziest, sempoi-est, loqlaq-est couple I have ever met. The honor, I can't even come to describe.

Also, I have been offered, from the project manager herself, to be the photographer for my current class' dinner, which is in about two weeks. Although I am more than excited to accept that, which will also mean that I have just landed my first job or gig, whichever you prefer, I have asked her to make me a secondary-ish photographer. It's just that, I'm still an amateur, who's still familiarizing myself with Sarah's DSLR, and judging by my Cameron's photoshoot results, I need to improve more.

My photographical journey. One day, I'll rant about it. Hahah. Until then, bye!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Post-Insurgence madness.

This post may contain a lot of clinical-sounding, matter-of-fact toned, partially incomprehensible and incomplete sentence. But I need to write since it had been a quite while and what's more, I needed to vent.

#1: I still can't quite be at peace with Four's real name because apparently, I hate the name Tobias. The fact that "Tobias" is actually Severus Snape's father's name may have contributed to most of the hatred for that name. And this is what it's like to have multiple fandoms exploding in my head.

#2: People still have issues with the whole printed-words-or-ebooks argument. I'm here to tell you I am both ebook and printed-words kind of person. True, I have a shitload amount of ebooks in my phone, which includes the fourteen (and still increasing) titles that I have read so far, and the fact that Apple's iBook application is like a God-sent present for me, and will not stop me from reading novels off my iPhone. It's like people keep asking me, "Puas ke baca kat phone?" or "Puas ke baca buku tapi tak pegang buku?". It's exhausting to answer them again and again, but Imma answer them now.

I download books to that I would read them. I don't give a damn if it's not a real book. As long as I could read the goddamn thing, I will read it. Even the words are just on my much worn-out phone's screen.

However, I still purchase real-life books. I love having the physical books in my own hand, especially seeing them all arranged on my shelf. I mostly read series, or books by the same author. And being an OCD-ish person I am, I am waiting to buy the right kind of book. For instance, I bought my THG trilogy with the same, all-black, minimal-designed cover version.

It's this obsession of mine to collect and buy books (or series) with the minimally designed covers. Particularly with black background. Black base colored book covers will forever be my sort-of kryptonite. I won't go as far as saying that some books have ugly covers, ugly fonts adorning the covers. But I honestly detest that kind of covers.

And regarding my post title today, yes. I have been eyeing this delicious-looking, black-and-minimal-designed covers for the Divergent trilogy books. And I'm just waiting for my next allowance (or the BB1M vouchers) to be spent on them. That's me, though. Finding the perfect cover version to satisfy my weird obsession. Buying it. And have a night out session with all of my special books.

Hahah, macam cari boyfriend haaa. I'm complicated liddat.

So yeah, I'm both ebook and printed-words kind of person.

#3: Finally, Insurgent the movie. I honestly wish that they would exploit the back story of the not-so-minor-but-not-so-major characters, like Marlene, Uriah & Zeke, Cara, Lynn. I mean, I understand how those characters aren't as important, but that's what I have to expect from all the books-turned-movie trend, I guess? On the other hand, loveee the adjustment to the transmitters, the not-so-expected ending. There are not-so-subtle changes made to the movie from the book to fit in the two-hours frame, for sure. But the good kind of change.

And I would love to see happy-induced-Tris. Damn. That's like the equivalent of Finnick Odair's underwear scene. Oh God. Why they wont make those whyYYYYYY

#4: On a completely different note, I can't wait for the Mockingjay Part II movie. I've heard from some people that Part I was as boring as hell, with not much amount of action-packed scenes except from the District 8 chaos, but I have to remind myself that those "some people" didn't read the books and subsequently, didn't realize how they have managed to stay true to the storyline even if it's a bit slow. Well, at least 90% true.

That 10% would be about Effie. Haha.

#5: And I have been so oblivious to this one band who apparently had been supplying a generous amount of soundtrack for some of the most iconic scenes in some my favorite movies; The Fault in Our Stars, Warm Bodies, Divergent. Damn man, let's hear it for M83 yall!

So I guess that would conclude my ranting session this time. This may or may not be deleted; my writing today had been hideously erratic. But you know, sometimes, in my life, I need to be erratic and agitated to get my point fully across. So um yeah. Good night (or morning, whichever you people prefer) everyone! :)